Constant weight gain and loss, serious weight loss, genetic susceptibility and weakening in the cheekbone area, which we call the midface, at later ages, lowering of the cheeks, loss of capacity under the skin give the face a tired and unhappy appearance.
With this operation, it is aimed to achieve a rejuvenated midface appearance as a result of hanging the sagging areas where they should be and regaining the volume depletion. There is a possibility that this operation can be operated endoscopically.
Unlike the endoscopic mid-face lift, the operation can be performed with 2 incisions of 1.5-2 cm inside the scalp area. So there is no permission visibility.
When planning this surgery, it is necessary to use one or more of the lower eyelid under-eyelash incision, the incision made from the temple area, and the incisions to be made from the mouth, according to the current anatomy and expectation of the person. In any case, traces can be well hidden. Incision scars usually heal quickly after the operation.
If you are interested in aesthetics, Otoplasty and Lip Lift you should definitely read our articles.